Best wishes for a wonderful, safe Fourth of July for your whole family.

Please remember to take common sense steps to keep your companion animals protected this holiday.

Each year at this time, countless animals traumatized by the sounds, smells, and sights of fireworks are lost, injured, or killed as they try to escape what must seem like the end of the world to many of them.

Foremost, please keep your animals securely indoors during the fireworks displays, ideally in a well-lit room with the blinds/curtains closed, along with TV or radio noise.

If they become anxious from what they hear happening outside, please calm and soothe them (without drama) rather than scold or discipline them.

It is astounding how many people still take animals to fireworks ceremonies. Please warn and strongly discourage your friends and family and others from doing this. It could even be grounds for abuse or neglect charges.

Two final precautions:

1) Remember that fireworks displays and ceremonies often continue past the Fourth Of July, so extra vigilance and caution is needed in the days and weeks following the holiday. We believe that it's the neighborhood bottle rockets and screeching fireworks which most often drive the animals to bolt from their homes and yards.

2) Careful monitoring of your front and back yard areas can prevent your companion animals from finding and injuring themselves by chewing or stepping on fireworks debris.

Best wishes from all of us at Nevada SPCA for a terrific, safe Fourth of July!

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